Monday’s Heroes

A Born Leader – Portrait of a Hero

A born leader, this statement had been used time and time again to describe people who wear leadership as though they were” born” to do so.  The debate over whether a leader is naturally born or created over time still wages among educated philosophers, psychologist, and historians.   I do not profess to hold any of […]

A Giant Among Giants… Firefighter Remembered

Have you ever lost someone close to you in an unexpected and life changing way? My life changing event took place seven years ago.  People say that time heals all wounds.  I am not sure that is true for me.  I know that the visibility of the event fades over time and we may become […]

The Road Less Traveled By

Don’t we all deserve the title of “village idiot” at one time or another?  Like Bill Engvall likes to say, “Here’s your sign!”.  It is true, no one is 100% consistent.  We all deserve different sign’s at different times.  If I am being honest with myself, there are times in my life where the sign […]